The location
I am based in a modern riverside studio on Steamer Quay in Totnes, South Devon.
Just a stone’s throw from the River Dart there are lovely tranquil walks to be had nearby at Longmarsh, yet it is convenient for the town centre too.
For those attending a workshop who may be needing accommodation, we can suggest places to stay close by such as Old Forge B&B, Steam Packet Inn, and the Royal Seven Stars Hotel.
The full address is:
Unit A5 Dart Marine Park, Steamer Quay Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5AL.
Opening times
Visitors are welcome at the Studio - however we don’t have set opening times since there are often occasions when the Studio may be closed to visitors, for example if I am running a workshop, or holding a pre-arranged client meeting, or away installing a commission.
Therefore to avoid disappointment, if you are planning a special visit and particularly if you would like to meet with me to discuss a potential commission, please do contact us in advance to arrange an appointment.
How to find us
From Totnes town centre by the Royal Seven Stars Hotel, cross over the Totnes Bridge heading out of town. Take the first right onto Seymour Road and then the next right again onto Steamer Quay Road.
Continue along Steamer Quay Road, passing the campsite on your left, and then the cafe and Steamer Quay car park on your right.
Continue a little further past Seymour Vets on the left, and you’ll soon see some large buildings with blue roofs and cladding on the right hand side. We are in the first of these buildings, and Unit A5 is the first one on the ground floor, nearest the road.
Parking and transport
If you are arriving by car, please note that there is no customer parking available directly outside the studio.
However there is ample parking in the nearby Pay & Display car parks. The closest of these to the studio is the “Longmarsh Extension” car park which is less than a minute’s walk away. Payment is via the Paybyphone app..
There is a cycle rack directly outside the studio which customers are welcome to use.
We are a 10 minute walk from the town centre and a 20 minute walk from the railway station.
We are also just a minute’s walk from where the Dartmouth-Totnes river cruises arrive and depart - this is a lovely 90 minute trip each way with time to visit the studio in between!
What to expect
For visitors we have a created a small reception and display area with a selection of current work and we will be pleased to assist you with any enquiries, purchases, orders or workshop bookings.
There is always a variety of work available, from wall hangings, bowls,sculpture and garden art to smaller gift pieces such as tealight curves.
We can show you samples of my splashback ‘stock designs’, which can be taken away with a refundable deposit.
I am also pleased to discuss potential commissions, and we can look at ideas together.
As it is a working studio, and there are almost always creations in progress, to avoid any accidents we do ask visitors to understand that the production areas may be ‘off limits’ when you visit (except of course if you are attending a workshop).
We look forward to meeting you!